DIY Summer Nights with Papi Wines

by Madison Simone
DIY Summer Nights with Papi Wines

DIY Papi Wine Tiki Torch 

Want a way to spice up your summer nights with a little fire? Grab your empty Papi bottles and put them to good use with this “do-it-yourself” tiki torch project!


Items you will need:

  • Tiki wick
  • Metal fitting
  • Tiki Fuel (or Citronella to help with the bugs!)
  • Aquarium gravel



            Start by picking your favorite Papi bottle (Papi Prosecco and Papi Rosé are beautiful!). Feel free to decorate the bottle as you please.

            Next, fill the bottle with gravel for added weight and add the oil into the bottle. Place the metal fitting around the wick, leaving about a quarter of the wick to stick out of the bottle. Feed the longer side of the wick into the bottle, until the metal fitting stops the wick from going any further.

            Now just light the wick and watch the vibes of the summer instantly transform with this creative Papi Wines tiki torch!



Share your DIY creations on Instagram @PapiWines


Written by Madison Simone

by Madison Simone